"Yüz Yaşa"

Medical İnsurance "Yüz Yaşa"

"Yüz Yaşa"

«Yüz Yaşa» medical insurance product allows clients to receive medical consultation via cellphone, without leaving home. You can receive consultation from professional doctors, about health problems through audio and video calls and also take the prescribed treatment.

No matter where are you, whether at work, driving or on vacation, you can always use telemedicine services.

The product is considered for individual persons are between the ages of 18 and 50.

Basic package of «Yüz yaşa» insurance product covers following services:

  • Using services through telecommunication
  • Emergency hospitalization and emergency stationary care
  • Delivery of medication
  • Calling an urgent and emergency medical care (UEC) as prescribed by a teledoctor
  • Urgent vaccination
  • Discounts for some services that are not covered by insurance coverage
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Insurance package Insurance premium Partial payment Franchise determines Deductible
Base 120 AZN For month10 AZN The waiting period for stationary services - 1 month
In addition to the basic package, you can also get Check up services:

Check up services

Service Insurance premium Description
Therapeutic examination 24 AZN Prophylactic medical examination one time per year at the agreed time with an insured is conducted at Therapeutic clinic of AMU, Yasham Hospital or military hospital of Ministry of National Security andthe following services will be included;General blood analysis, USM upper abdomen, a lung X-ray
Oncology examination(for males) 35 AZN Prophylactic medical examination one time per year at the agreed time with an insured is conducted at Yasham clinic or military hospital of Ministry of National Security and the following services will beincluded; General blood analysis, PSA general, Urological USM
Oncology examination(for females) 48 AZN Prophylactic medical examination one time per year at the agreed time with an insured is conducted at Yasham clinic or military hospital of Ministry of National Security and the following services will be included; General blood analysis, Papp test, Gynaelocolgy USM
Endocrine examination 48 AZN Prophylactic medical examination one time per year at the agreed time with an insured is conducted at Stimul hospital, International Medical Center, Therapeutic clinic of AMU or military hospital of Ministry of National Security and the following services will be included: TSH, Glucose, Insulin,Thyroid gland USM
Cardiovascular examination 36 AZN Prophylactic medical examination one time per year at the agreed time with an insured is conducted at Stimul hospital, International Medical Center, Therapeutic clinic of AMU, Yasham hospital or military hospital of Ministry of National Security and the following services will be included; Cholesterol, PT-INR, Coagulation period, ECHO

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